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The world really never changes

“The simple are meat for slaughter, to be used when they are useful in causing trouble for the opposing power and to be sacrificed when they are no longer of use.” William of Baskerville The Name of the RoseUmberto Eco

This passage is from a discussion Between the Franciscan monk William of Baskerville and the Benedictin Abbot Abo regarding heretics during the early 14th century. They could just as well be talking about people today. A little earlier in the discussion William states “Joining a heretical group, for many of them, is often only another way of shouting their own despair.” Change heretical to terrorist, militia, gang; it doesn’t matter, the psychological pathology is the same, only the cultural differences and level of despair truly divide them.
I want to say the most important thing to identify if we truly want to combat such groups is the despair they all share. A despair driven by poverty and fear of poverty. But behind the groups are wealthy backers who not only feed the despair but actively tap into it for their own desires for power. And as much as that sounds just like conspiracy thinking take the following into consideration.

Old Testament Micah 2
1 Woe to those who plan iniquity,
to those who plot evil on their beds!
At morning’s light they carry it out
because it is in their power to do it.
2 They covet fields and seize them,
and houses, and take them.
They defraud people of their homes,
they rob them of their inheritance.

The world has never lacked for people who plot evil and use power to do it, neither has it lacked for the people who they oppress and plot against.

Another day

I just keep hoping that things will be better then the news. Trump whines about something or reveals more of his vision for America. With his choice of secretary of health and human services the next four years will probably see the gutting of Medicare and Medicaid, regulations to protect incompetent doctors from lawsuits, healthcare costs will skyrocket as we try trickle down healthcare because it has worked so well with economics.
Gone are the staggered increases in insurance casts we saw over the last seven years, we stand on the pinnacle of ushering in the good old days of year over year consistent increases in cost and decreases in coverage. Can’t wait to start having interstate health insurance offerings where nothing is in network and coverage is useless.


When you have been as richly blessed in life as I have, being thankful should be easy and should come naturally, for me that is not always the case. I have spent more than half of my life working very hard to protect and provide for the greatest treasures on earth that I have been entrusted with. But today on a day of thanksgiving I would like to take the time to shout from the mountain tops my thankfulness and praise.
I am thankful for my wife of twenty-three years Phoebe. Even after all of these years she is still my best friend, my lover, my bride and my girlfriend. She is passionate and beautiful, creative and loving. She sees something in me that I cannot see for myself, she believes in me when even when I swim in a sea of doubts. She has been by my side through my darkest years and never gave up on me.
I am thankful for my daughter Courtney who arrived in this world twenty-one years ago today at 4:42 AM, after a long and difficult labor. Happy Birthday Baby Girl! She came into the world premature, with a cleft pallet, and some other health issues. She is a fighter though, spirited and as passionate as her mother. It was a long road through surgeries, oxygen tanks, and apnea monitors. It crushed me to drive them to Scottish Rite Childrens hospital in Atlanta, leave them there and go home to work. That pain is as fresh today as it was 21 years ago but I never doubted that it was the right thing to do, I learned that year what being a father truly means, I have struggled at it the entire time but I pray that I have gotten it right more times than I failed. Even as she continues to struggle with her health I know that she will be okay, I know what she is capable of even when she may not realize her own strength.
I am thankful for my son Trevor who turned eighteen this year. Trevor was also born premature and is my NICU warrior, my little man, even if he isn’t so little anymore. He is also a fighter and where Courtney faced the hardest struggles early on Trevor’s began in middle school we he started being plagued by migraines. Migraines that lasted a few days turned into ones that lasted weeks, then months. The last migraine lasted over 1000 days, a thousand just incase anyone thinks i accidentally hit an extra zero. These were full blown, stay in the dark, no noise or light, nauseating, debilitating migraines 24/7. So many different diets, no medicines worked, finally got a few periods this year where botox injections took the edge off for a few weeks, enough that he was able to get back into school to finish his senior year. Now for the last 7 days he has been almost entirely migraine free thanks to Judy Goodman, an extraordinary woman who has graciously helped Trevor, I will forever be in her debt.
I am thankful for my other son Matthew, I take pride in knowing that one day he will be my son-in-law but even then he will still just be my son, one of my own children. No father could ask for a better man to be their daughters best friend and true love. I see in him a determination to succeed and overcome adversity that needs to be nourished through encouragement and unconditional love. I will always be here to offer both.
These are the treasures I have been entrusted with and I thank God for them everyday. No more treasures does a man need than a family to love, I am truly rich and blessed indeed.

An observation on the country

For many years conservatives in the US have made it their mission to paint the mainstream media as liberally biased, elite, corrupt and not to be trusted. At the same time mainstream conservative media is more opinion than facts with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Shawn Hannity to name a few, dishing up the conservative take on the world in true propagandist style. So you have a large group of people who will not believe anything unless it comes from these “trusted sources” of professional bullshit artists.
During this same time conservatives have waged a war against certain professionals, specifically educators. They have demonized them at every turn and tried to lay all of the blame at their feet for the problems we face through out the nation. These attacks have further fueled the animosity that the white working class already feels towards educators and professionals, an animosity that seems rooted in a fear of success or progress. At the same time the conservatives have demonized teachers they have actively worked to strip education systems of the necessary financial resources to be successful. This is a tactic they have used against many government agencies including the Veterans Administration where the employees are demonized, many of whom are veterans themselves, then the agency has never been fully funded or staffed to ensure that conservatives can hold it up and show how bad government is and push for privatization.
Then there is the divisiveness that conservatives have pushed with their talk of “real americans” in the heartland, which are always white, rural, christian communities. They insinuate that only liberals use identity politics while they hide behind coded language that reasonable, educated people understand for what it is. There is also a difference between trying to identify needs of different ethnic/racial groups in order to be inclusive and ignoring them or painting them as the “other”.
So now we have arrived at what is potentially the conservative wet-dream of all wet-dreams. Their supporters will not believe anything that journalists report about Trump, so anything regarding his conflicts of interest or using his position as president to influence foreign governments and increase his own wealth will be ignored or treated as lies. They are gearing up to deregulate business, kill the EPA, probably get rid of Federal minimum wage rules, kill the unions in as many states as possible while also killing or gutting the National labor Relations Board. Privatization of as much as they can; VA health, Social Security, Public schools. Drastic cuts to everything outside of defense spending. Any manufacturing or mining jobs that return will be lower paying with less benefits and non union. The negative impact will last for decades.

When you are standing in your own way

How do you move out of the way? What about when your are stumbling in the dark?
I often wonder how can it ever be possible to change things when I live with a tilt-a-whirl for a brain. I just cannot stand when i feel disconnected within myself, when a part of me is in one state of mind and the rest of me has gone over to do something else.

Maybe, just maybe

Truth is over rated.
Maybe it is unreasonable to actually have an expectation that what people say, is what they really believe. Or that when the future leader of the United States speaks, he can be taken at his word.
And maybe equality, civil rights, freedom of speech, assembly and religion; maybe they are just dreams of progressives that can never fully be realized.
Maybe it is just pessimism to think that after everything Donald Trump has said, his appointment of white supremacist Steve Bannon as an advisor, Jeff Sessions for Attorney General who’s racism cost him an appointment to Federal Judgeship, Michael Flynn who’s cozy with russia and fears muslims, Mike Pompeo to the CIA who also fears muslims; I mean what could possibly go wrong.
Just not seeing a bright side in all of this, keep waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Diese Schandtaten: Eure Schuld!

These Atrocities: Your Fault! A popular slogan on propaganda posters in post WWII Germany during the allied occupation. A slogan that should not be uttered by Americans in this century. I have heard the arguments that President-Elect Trump did not mean the things he said on the campaign trail, give him a chance, he deserves our support. Well chance given and he makes an anti-Semetic, white supremacist his chief advisor, chance squandered and tossed aside.
How far do people expect the support to extend. If the republican leadership sits silently by on this appointment what will it take for them to object? How far are they willing to follow down that path. Despite this belief that we have laws that prevent him from doing certain things, it was not so long ago that we repackaged torture as enhanced interrogation. How long will decent people be silent?

Living in Babylon, walking to Zion

John 14
14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

The kingdom of God is not yet on this earth. We are a people still out in the wilderness, given a great commission to fulfill but determined to go our own way. We are in the land of Babylon, we have grown impatient with the Lord and claimed this land as Zion, believing it can be something it is not.
We look to an old rugged cross but forget we’re the cross is and what we should be doing with it. In Luke 9:23
23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.
We must return our minds to the journey we are on. We must fix our hearts and eyes on Zion and keep walking. Earthly kingdoms rise and fall. Their leaders can be wicked and cruel. Even the elect can become twisted and lose their way. We must pray unceasing.
We must keep ourselves right with God, ever vigilant against ourselves. Even Jesus had moments of anger, but anger as with faith is a seed that we plant and water. If we tend to the seed of anger it will grow into malice and hate, soon we will look into the mirror and see the enemy. Sow seeds of faith and love, tend to the garden through compassion, forgiveness and prayer. Clean the path of stones and weeds so that others can see the way.

I pray today that God will forgive me and that I will forgive others.
Fill my heart with love Oh God, especially for my enemies as I know how to love my friends. Teach me how to pray for those who hate.
Lead me oh Lord in your path of so that I might be your disciple. Lead me home to Zion.


We are defined by our words and our actions.
We are also defined by the words we are unwilling to say and the actions we are unwilling to take.
We are defined by the company we keep and the alliances we make.
Maybe that is not fair.

People ask us to distinguish who they are from the politician they support. People do not want others to think so horribly of them, their not racist they protest; it was all about jobs or abortion or change. They want this concession when at the same time they have been the accuser; on abortion, taxes. Many have talked about taking their country back, refer to themselves as the real Americans. Those who do not look like them or think like them are the others, usurpers we have been called. Our patriotism has constantly been in question.

We are also being asked to sweep it under the rug. Reassurances that he can never do the things he said he would do, or that isn’t what he meant. So wait a minute, you expect everyone to indulge in your fantasy that it was all an act. I am not sure which aspect of that is worse.

Then there are the protesters, exercising their rights to assembly and free speech. Crybabies they are called because they are exercising those rights. I mean it isn’t as if there was a large scale movement of Republicans after President Obama’s election that staged protests and marches, oh wait it had a catchy name the Tea Party. Lets also not forget the large scale growth of armed militia groups over the last 8 years.

It is a conundrum indeed.

A few thoughts

Donald Trump won electoral college and Hillary Clinton took the popular vote. He will be president and we shall move on from here.

At this point only time will tell what this means for the nation. There is an angry half of the country celebrating their victory, they refer to themselves as the silent majority, however the actual vote count tells a different story and people need to remember that most of all. As a nation we are fairly evenly divided time will show how policies will play out.

I have heard and read today that those who opposed Trump should now respect the decision and give him a chance, I am on the fence with that position. Yes I know there is the argument of being the better person but after the last 8 years of bruising opposition, questioning the legitimacy of President Obama, why should President-elect Trump be given a break?

What happens if he really does try to engage in a political witch hunt led by Giuliani at the justice department? How about if he authorizes the use of torture? What about religious litmus tests to enter the country? How far down that path will we as a nation let him go?

There is a lot to take in but I for one have no intention of just laying down and rolling over.