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Diese Schandtaten: Eure Schuld!

These Atrocities: Your Fault! A popular slogan on propaganda posters in post WWII Germany during the allied occupation. A slogan that should not be uttered by Americans in this century. I have heard the arguments that President-Elect Trump did not mean the things he said on the campaign trail, give him a chance, he deserves our support. Well chance given and he makes an anti-Semetic, white supremacist his chief advisor, chance squandered and tossed aside.
How far do people expect the support to extend. If the republican leadership sits silently by on this appointment what will it take for them to object? How far are they willing to follow down that path. Despite this belief that we have laws that prevent him from doing certain things, it was not so long ago that we repackaged torture as enhanced interrogation. How long will decent people be silent?

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