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An observation on the country

For many years conservatives in the US have made it their mission to paint the mainstream media as liberally biased, elite, corrupt and not to be trusted. At the same time mainstream conservative media is more opinion than facts with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Shawn Hannity to name a few, dishing up the conservative take on the world in true propagandist style. So you have a large group of people who will not believe anything unless it comes from these “trusted sources” of professional bullshit artists.
During this same time conservatives have waged a war against certain professionals, specifically educators. They have demonized them at every turn and tried to lay all of the blame at their feet for the problems we face through out the nation. These attacks have further fueled the animosity that the white working class already feels towards educators and professionals, an animosity that seems rooted in a fear of success or progress. At the same time the conservatives have demonized teachers they have actively worked to strip education systems of the necessary financial resources to be successful. This is a tactic they have used against many government agencies including the Veterans Administration where the employees are demonized, many of whom are veterans themselves, then the agency has never been fully funded or staffed to ensure that conservatives can hold it up and show how bad government is and push for privatization.
Then there is the divisiveness that conservatives have pushed with their talk of “real americans” in the heartland, which are always white, rural, christian communities. They insinuate that only liberals use identity politics while they hide behind coded language that reasonable, educated people understand for what it is. There is also a difference between trying to identify needs of different ethnic/racial groups in order to be inclusive and ignoring them or painting them as the “other”.
So now we have arrived at what is potentially the conservative wet-dream of all wet-dreams. Their supporters will not believe anything that journalists report about Trump, so anything regarding his conflicts of interest or using his position as president to influence foreign governments and increase his own wealth will be ignored or treated as lies. They are gearing up to deregulate business, kill the EPA, probably get rid of Federal minimum wage rules, kill the unions in as many states as possible while also killing or gutting the National labor Relations Board. Privatization of as much as they can; VA health, Social Security, Public schools. Drastic cuts to everything outside of defense spending. Any manufacturing or mining jobs that return will be lower paying with less benefits and non union. The negative impact will last for decades.

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