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lack of understanding

Why do some people have such disdain for multiculturalism? What is it about the thought of interacting with people who are different that brings such animosity?
I started writing this and realized that there are specific people that I do not want to know or associate with on any level. I do not want to associate with white supremacists, religious fanatics or any hate groups for that matter. So how in the world are we supposed to love our neighbors, as we love ourselves when we quite honestly have neighbors who we feel are vile and evil. Why is this so damned complicated? Is that what true faith is, learning how to really love those who we find unlovable and that hate us or other people? Being able to actually forgive them and turn the other cheek when they attack, verbally or physically. Or is it just a matter of obedience?
I just do not understand.

Published inUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Christ loved them enough to die for them too. I feel the same way you do about these exact groups of people, however, while I was reading this I had a moment of understanding. Sometimes when a child is scared of something or in the case where they fear the unknown they will pitch a fit or act out in any way possible to avoid whatever it is. We don’t stop loving our children because of their reaction. God sees and understands the circumstances of each individual in a way that we cannot so he simply asks us to love them. He works on changing their hearts and putting people in their lives that will help them to change.

    I hope this makes sense.

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