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It is in the darkness of my mind,
that you illuminate my dreams.
My thoughts lay everywhere,
piles of scribbled scraps deteriorating.
Maybe in and amongst the piles
there is a thought worth sharing.
Mostly they are the ravings,
of an unsettled mind crying out.

It is in the darkness of my mind,
that you illuminate my desires.
Too many failed pursuits
wheels spinning in the mud.
Cold and lonely, hiding in the dark
desires left along the road.
Mostly they are the desires of a young man
tossed aside to make room for reality.

It is in the darkness of my mind,
that you illuminate my love.
Most say love comes from the heart,
but it is the mind that builds connections.
Without connections and common ground,
love is just an infatuation built on sand.
Mostly love is an intimate familiarity,
it is two souls intertwined illuminating each other.

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