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Month: April 2015

When did compromise become sin?

Tom Gaitens, who knew Rubio in the state House and formerly worked for the conservative group FreedomWorks, said he had forgiven Rubio for the sin of working with Democrats on comprehensive immigration reform.

via Tea Partiers Rage Against Rubio 2016 – The Daily Beast.

When I read such a statement it really makes me angry, political discourse and compromise are the only healthy ways to tend to the tree of Liberty once it has been planted. To equate that compromise with sin is to invite and advocate for the tyranny of one’s own ideas above everyone else’s and that is best left to places where freedom and liberty are hated words.

Housing bubble 2.0

Time to start prepping, just went through 6 different pieces of mail; all about mortgages. All slick, worded to entice and encourage a potential borrower to apply for more than their house is worth or guaranties about low rates.

This one is good too; “unlike banks we do everything we can to say YES to our customers needs”

Yes I know we are all free to choose whether we take this offer. However I know how much things like health problems can drain your resources and if you have kids and they have health problems even more so.
I just want to see predatory lenders restricted and kept honest; from mortgages to payday lenders.

We are in trouble

When a U.S. Senator, Infantry Officer, combat veteran, Harvard graduate; does not understand that bombing another country who you are not at war with constitutes an act of war.

Is it that hard of a concept to grasp or is it just my medications that make me see the world in more black and white?

Tatooine Youth Suspected In Terrorist Attack – Slashdot

Tatooine Youth Suspected In Terrorist Attack – Slashdot.

Must be the first of April.