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Underemployment, Stagnant Wages and taxes

I think that at this point in the presidential campaign of Jeb Bush, many of us understand that he is not the most eloquent speaker and usually will take 3-5 iterations across several days to get out what he wants to say. His latest point is sort of correct that we do have an epidemic of people trying to support themselves and families on part time jobs. Unfortunately I am sure the solution will be more of the same line we hear every election cycle, tax cuts that amount to trickle down economics. The problem in my opinion is we keep talking about this in the wrong direction because every time we do give these businesses and the wealthy the tax cuts we don’t get a damn thing in return. They don’t hire more workers, increase full time employees or raise wages.What we need is a commitment from Americas businesses that they will stop bleeding us dry and reinvest in the nation, the back scratching needs to go the other way for a change. In return I would like to see a simplified tax system for individuals and businesses. I am sure this will irritate some but it would be a progressive tax because the only way to reduce the assistance money needed by the poor is to put more money in their pockets. I don’t see this as punishing people for success because the freedoms we have are not free they come with a cost and cannot always be paid with the blood of patriots.
Individuals, I don’t care where your income comes from; whether it is your hard work or your investments, everything would be equal. No tax credits, deductions or shelters. And one single penalty, you cheat on your taxes or try to hide money offshore and complete forfeiture of all assets. Mistakes would require simple payment of what ever the amount, no interest or penalties. Poverty level would be calculated annually for the next year so that people know a year in advance where they might fall.
0 to poverty level no tax
poverty level to double poverty level 10%
double poverty level to triple poverty level 15%
triple to quadruple 20%
everything above that 25%
Businesses would be the same type of progressive tax based on 5 levels, with the levels locked in for certain amounts of years.

Is this the best tax plan, maybe not but I think it would be a good start. Unfortunately until America’s businesses get behind the nation and fix the stagnant wages and put more people to work we are just shit out of luck.

Mental Illness

To go through life with a mind or emotions that are not always your own or what you want them to be at any given moment. When every day can be a struggle even if you are receiving treatment. Being medicated and still it is all you can do to get out of bed and go to work. The daily fight to remember to take your medicine, to do your job, to keep focused on what matters most in your life.
People may look at you and see nothing wrong, mental illness as with many other health problems lack those glaring, visibly signs that society wants to see. Society distrusts what they don’t understand and when it comes to mental illness understanding is in short supply. Then society has seen fit to attach stigmas to mental illness that drive some to self medicate or deny themselves the help they so desperately need. People can be cruel intentionally or not; doesn’t make a difference, the pain we can inflict upon others is astounding.
Imagine for a moment what it is like to only be able to mourn the passing of your father a few moments at a time across the course of a year and a half. Being unable to deal with the pain because the medication that keeps you functioning, keeps your emotions on an even keel, keeps the depression in check and the anger on a leash; doesn’t afford you the time you need. That is the price of mental illness that I pay; untreated and I doubt at this point I could even hold down a job, properly controlled sometimes I have to wait for the moments when my emotions want to be free.
I really hope that one day the stigma of mental illness will go away and people will treat it just as they do any other illness. I also hope that as science and medicine advances we will one day be better able to understand and diagnose the brain so that others might never have to experience this particular disconnect between mind and emotion.

false piety and righteousness

Do you know people who have grown up and they act like they are perfect and never did any wrong in their life. They are so pious and full of self righteousness that they vehemently attack people who make the same mistakes they did all the while acting like they are beyond reproach. Even if confronted with the truth they deny it because they are so full of shame they would rather live a lie, in fear of the truth, rather than face themselves head on and find healing.
This doesn’t just occur with people though, one only has to look at how people have tried to reform the confederacy and the truth of the civil war. Not only would they like everyone to forget that it was about slavery and white supremacy; they want ever\yone to ignore all of the writings of the confederate leadership and accept their fantasy that the south was being oppressed by the north. It was states rights they cry. They also want to pretend that segregation didn’t happen or deflect the issue; "yeah but look at so and so". They want to talk about history, rewrite the past and accuse others who stand against them of doing the same.

The thing about these lies though is that as they draw people in and they believe and spread these same lies; they now own them. They joyfully rally behind the lie. Will they accept the price though?

And you know, so what. Why do I really care, it is after all their right to say and believe what ever it is they want. In fact I support that right and would do so with my last breath. But it is hard, hard to watch young minds give themselves over to a lie or to a hate that shrouds itself in words like heritage and honor. Harder still to remain silent and not speak out even if no one would listen. I know that I am the least among all; no moral authority by any stretch, not a scholar either; just a simple person speaking out from my heart.

National Alliance to End Homelessness: The State of Homelessness in America 2015

As we celebrate our independence and freedom today let us not forget the less fortunate among us who need our help.

Source: National Alliance to End Homelessness: The State of Homelessness in America 2015

Power of words


Donald Trump makes racist, disparaging comments about an entire group of people and some conservatives rally behind him. George Takei makes racist, disparaging comments about an individual and some liberals may rally behind him.

Trump stands by his comments and doubles down on them seeming to relish the attention they have garnered. Others rally around him bemoaning political correctness. I would say he should apologize but he has shown he doesn’t care so what would be the point.

Takei tries to explain why he said what he did, his op-ed on msnbc gives us a peek into why he got so angry. Words said in anger though can be more hurtful than any other we express and I believe Takei should apologize to Clarence Thomas and grow as a person.

These are the power of words. They can divide or unite. They can reflect emotions boiling over, present a thoughtful reasoned argument or just sound stupid. They strengthen our relationships or tear them apart.

Wages and poverty

Whether it is talk of raising the minimum wage or changing the overtime regulations the same group of people lose their shit and bemoan the big bad government interfering and how this is going to hurt the economy.

Well boo fucking hoo. We have a poverty problem already and the same people bitching are the same people who vilify and bitch about the poor. Do they bitch about the businesses who don’t pay living wages, hire full time, steal wages and make salary employees work enough hours that in some cases they make less than minimum wage? Why is that? Why do some people exalt these businesses and the way they treat people?

The bottom line is that we need to tackle the poverty problem as a nation and if the businesses will not voluntarily pay living wages the government is left with no choice but to take measures. And if that hurts their anti everything feelings maybe they should take a page from their own playbook and do like they keep telling the poor, go somewhere else.


Does “Don’t Tread on ME” always come across as a one way street?

Why do some people always act like “We the People” in our “more perfect Union” is limited to white, christian, heterosexual, men with guns? We do have what is known as the No Religious Test Clause in the Constitution that states. “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” And then there is the first amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


We the people

Are we ready to get to work? Are we as a nation prepared to match education spending to military spending? To feed the hungry? Cloth and house the poor? Lift each other up, and extend our hands to those who need us the most?
Is the American Dream the one we have only for ourselves or are we the greatest nation that collectively can make the sacrifices and help others realize the dream?

President Obama delivers Eulogy in Honor of Reverend Pinckney

powerful and moving, the full eulogy begins at 1:22:22 no cherry picked pieces. I hope all can listen with an open heart and mind


WWJD what ever happened to that

Used to be everywhere on everything. I even saw people with tattoos, big letters WWJD What Would Jesus Do So here are a few questions to ponder.
Talk honestly about racism in America, WWJD?
Fly a confederate flag, WWJD?
Feed and house the poor even through the government and taxes, WWJD? Provide healthcare to all people, WWJD?

Bring guns into a house of worship, WWJD?

So seriously what do professed Christians think of the questions? Based on the four gospels what do you think the answers might be to the questions?