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Underemployment, Stagnant Wages and taxes

I think that at this point in the presidential campaign of Jeb Bush, many of us understand that he is not the most eloquent speaker and usually will take 3-5 iterations across several days to get out what he wants to say. His latest point is sort of correct that we do have an epidemic of people trying to support themselves and families on part time jobs. Unfortunately I am sure the solution will be more of the same line we hear every election cycle, tax cuts that amount to trickle down economics. The problem in my opinion is we keep talking about this in the wrong direction because every time we do give these businesses and the wealthy the tax cuts we don’t get a damn thing in return. They don’t hire more workers, increase full time employees or raise wages.What we need is a commitment from Americas businesses that they will stop bleeding us dry and reinvest in the nation, the back scratching needs to go the other way for a change. In return I would like to see a simplified tax system for individuals and businesses. I am sure this will irritate some but it would be a progressive tax because the only way to reduce the assistance money needed by the poor is to put more money in their pockets. I don’t see this as punishing people for success because the freedoms we have are not free they come with a cost and cannot always be paid with the blood of patriots.
Individuals, I don’t care where your income comes from; whether it is your hard work or your investments, everything would be equal. No tax credits, deductions or shelters. And one single penalty, you cheat on your taxes or try to hide money offshore and complete forfeiture of all assets. Mistakes would require simple payment of what ever the amount, no interest or penalties. Poverty level would be calculated annually for the next year so that people know a year in advance where they might fall.
0 to poverty level no tax
poverty level to double poverty level 10%
double poverty level to triple poverty level 15%
triple to quadruple 20%
everything above that 25%
Businesses would be the same type of progressive tax based on 5 levels, with the levels locked in for certain amounts of years.

Is this the best tax plan, maybe not but I think it would be a good start. Unfortunately until America’s businesses get behind the nation and fix the stagnant wages and put more people to work we are just shit out of luck.

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