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WTFery Posts

Plan your work

I find that when it comes to the work I do for a living, creating and executing a plan is something I do not give a second thought. If you want to implement a technology, upgrade or maintain you have to have a plan. Why is it then that when it comes to my personal life it is such a foreign concept? I just cannot seem to get my mind to translate what makes me successful in my career to other things in my life.

Darkness – A guest post

“Darkness has always been something that many fear, but is it really the dark that they fear.
For some it is, but for others it’s not, instead it’s what it represents to them.
“Darkness” for me is solitude and pain, which I find amusing because they are two things I know of all too well.
Being alone in both mind and body has started to take its toll on my reality.
The silence prolongs and my will grows faint, for what is there to life when solitude seems to be your fate.
But then I remember what the silence truly means, it’s the calm before the storms which life tends to bring.
But life’s storms are not something to fear, for storms bring more than just despair.
Once the storms clear there is joy in the air.
The sun comes out and a rainbows shine, life is finally showing you its brighter side.
So, don’t let fear and anxiety hold you back because they are only a precursor for the weather of life.”
-Trevor England-


Blank walls, cluttered ones,
describe them how you want,
they all begin to decay as soon they are erected.
Forces of nature, unrelenting
Decades, eons, millenia;
no matter how you measure the passage of time,
you cannot stop it from passing.
Thinking on time my thoughts are
smooth as jagged glass
discarded on the highway

Thought of the day

1’s, 0’s, and mathematic algorithms, sort of like magic but somehow worse

sometimes i wish

That life could be as simple as shell commands.

Thought processes out of control and using up too much memory $sudo top -o mem see what might be out of control, then $sudo kill PID to stop the process. Oh wait still running $sudo kill -9 PID should do the trick. Maybe it is not a memory issue put a processor overrun, no problem change the sort $sudo top -o cpu and away you go.

Need to locate something use the find command. No idea where to start, search from root and grep it.

Maybe you just need to completely get away and separate yourself from a situation, no problem chroot and when you are done and ready to come back exit.

Best of all would it not be great to just sleep 2d 


Having to unfriend some people on Facebook this morning. Look, I do not mind political disagreement, but I have no time for hate filled people. I especially have no time for those who whine about people being offended because it offends them. Do they even have a clue how stupid that sounds?

Puddles Pity Party

I was catching up on some of the YouTube channels I subscribe to and came across Puddles Pity Party on the PostModern Jukebox. Now I am indifferent when it comes to clowns, they don’t bother me, I can take them or leave them, and I am not running out collecting clown tchotchkes. For some reason, I am fascinated by Puddles Pity Party. Maybe in him, I see a kindred spirit, a better adjusted one who can sing, but a kindred spirit nonetheless.

Happy Mother’s Day 

To all of the mothers in my life, Happy Mother’s Day.

Very sad

I am very sad, heartbroken in fact when I read quotes from people who have taken oaths of office, that they will support the Constitution of the United States of America but seem not to have a basic grasp of what the document actually says. I was reflecting on it this morning as I reread an article from yesterday in the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer about a young undocumented worker arrested for driving without a license after being pulled over for speeding. Without going into the immigration side of this situation, on face value, this is what you would expect when breaking motor vehicle laws regarding no license and in the course of trying to determine your identity get transferred to another agency or state when it comes to light that someone else has a more substantial case against you. This happens all of the time when someone with outstanding warrants in other localities gets arrested. All the Sheriff had to say was we did x,y,z in accordance with the procedures we follow and after establishing his identity as an undocumented immigrant we turned him over to Immigration Control. Simple, non-controversial. Unfortunately, the sheriff likes controversy so he makes the statement “And then he continued: “ We’re not a sanctuary county. What can I say?

Unfortunately, the sheriff likes controversy so he makes the statement “And then he continued: “ We’re not a sanctuary county. What can I say? Federal government wants him, they’re gonna get him. He has no constitutional rights. He’s not a U.S. citizen.”

DaFuq did I just read?

Ok, let’s take this one little step at a time. First the United States of America is a government established by the people and receives its power by majority consent of the governed, through the instruments of law that provide the framework of government. Supreme among these instruments is the Constitution of the United States and the subsequent amendments there in. Without the Constitution there is no Federal Government and therefore no immigration law or ICE, if you argue that one part of the Constitution does not apply to a group of you give the grounds to argue that the rest doesn’t either.

Second the parts of the Constitution that impact the interaction between law enforcement and those within the jurisdiction of a law enforcement agency are things like due process, habeous corpus, search and seizure, etc. are not supposed to be ambiguous. We are not supposed to be waving our passports and birth certificate out the car window so that law enforcement obeys the law. Unfortunately for Harris County, the sheriff has made a statement which calls into question at what point do his officers obey the Constitution. Do they only afford you your rights once they have established your citizenship? Or do they stop worrying about the law if they determine you are not a citizen? The family suing over the death of their son a few months ago based on denial of due process can now show this quote as proof that adherence to the Constitution is not a priority of the sheriffs department. 

Finally if you are a constitutional officer, read the damn Constitution and maybe consult some of the legal decisions that are already settled law before expressing your personal viewpoint as if it is gospel truth.
Read more here:


Bitter the soul
Cold and lonely in the night
consumed by itself
no room for others.

Bitter the soul
Frightened by the shadows
clinging to God
but never trusting.

Bitter the soul
running from death daily
never stopping
to embrace life.