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My father

Today he would have turned 66 years old and I miss him.

I remember being around 5 or 6 years old and helping him change the oil on his 55 Chevy Nomad in the parking lot of the housing in Büren Germany. I remember watching him lace his combat boots, hands moving like lightning. Watching him grade papers.

I remember watching him endure pain throughout his life, quietly. As much as I desire to emulate the man that he was, I struggle. In fact there are times I just feel lost, my tongue is too loose in my head and my problems flow too freely on my blog. I wonder if it is because I really just want to talk to him about them.

Published inUncategorized


  1. You have many of your father’s best qualities. You’re a strong, exceptional man, father, husband and son, you need to learn his self confidence and realize how proud you have always made us.

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