I read some comments on another blog and I started to write a post arguing blah, blah… when I realized that I lack the linguistic ability to express blah, much less blah, blah. It is not even about linguistic ability; I lack the translational abilities to render a comprehensible dissertation on some of the concepts that exist within my head. This I think is one of the reasons some people come off sounding, for lack of a better word crazy. When they go to reason and express their opinions, what comes out is not the beautifully reasoned, logical argument that played out in their head. Oh no, not that. Instead what you end up with is a driveling, uncomfortable pile of twice eaten dog shit; which might beg the question why do dogs do that? The reason for coprophagia in canines seem to be as varied as human political or religious ideologies and if you are concerned about this in any of your canine friends, I would recommend consulting a veterinarian. If, however, you are trying to make sense of what might be in your own head and how to properly extract it for the consumption of others, well that might be a bit more difficult.
The problem is that human beings are complex biological creatures with no natural predators to keep the population in check. It is therefore out of necessity that our species has adapted a self-regulation methodology to attempt population control. Cunning creatures that we are, we constantly find ways around any natural regulative agency. Afraid of being naked, we got some clothes; afraid of freezing, we got some warmer clothes; afraid of boredom, we got Netflix; afraid of living to an old age, we got booze and tobacco. We are very adaptive. So, you are probably wondering WTF does this have to do this being unable to get thoughts out of your head. Well I posit that if the thoughts you are trying to express could truly end war, famine or pestilence; you will not be able to get them out of your head, alternatively, they might get out of your head in an understandable fashion at which point you will be dead, usually in a violent fashion. It is part of the natural process, in fact, the opposite is also true, somewhere along the line of a self-destruction event, there will be a natural correction and the population will boom.
So, in a nutshell, there may be truths in your head that God lets run through your mind so you can mull them over, that may be as far as he will let you go with them. Well unless he needs a martyr, then your goose is cooked. But sometimes those truths that he reveals to you are so you can go and study a subject and get to the heart of the matter for yourself. So, until then express what you can and please if your dog needs it, take them to the Vet.
Perplexed or epiphany?
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