So I went for the induction evaluation last night for the partial inpatient hospitalization program. They did not keep me and I am on track for Monday, just have to go back by Sunday night for a follow-up evaluation. In hindsight that was actually the easy part, well after they said you are a good candidate and agreed to let me start Monday. Even with all of the questions, even the uncomfortable ones. Oh, wait most of them were uncomfortable but it went well overall.
This morning though was the next major hurdle, letting my boss know what is going on next week. First, I found out the program can be 5 to 10 days, however, I will not know until Friday if I need to return the next week. Second, I will be without my phone from 7:30 – 5 every day and in my job, even on vacation, I field emergency calls on occasion. Well, buttercup just had to suck it up and fire off the email because I will not be ashamed, besides if I can post this on my blog for the entire world to see I can write an email to my boss. So, done and dusted!