Do you know people who have grown up and they act like they are perfect and never did any wrong in their life. They are so pious and full of self righteousness that they vehemently attack people who make the same mistakes they did all the while acting like they are beyond reproach. Even if confronted with the truth they deny it because they are so full of shame they would rather live a lie, in fear of the truth, rather than face themselves head on and find healing.
This doesn’t just occur with people though, one only has to look at how people have tried to reform the confederacy and the truth of the civil war. Not only would they like everyone to forget that it was about slavery and white supremacy; they want ever\yone to ignore all of the writings of the confederate leadership and accept their fantasy that the south was being oppressed by the north. It was states rights they cry. They also want to pretend that segregation didn’t happen or deflect the issue; "yeah but look at so and so". They want to talk about history, rewrite the past and accuse others who stand against them of doing the same.
The thing about these lies though is that as they draw people in and they believe and spread these same lies; they now own them. They joyfully rally behind the lie. Will they accept the price though?
And you know, so what. Why do I really care, it is after all their right to say and believe what ever it is they want. In fact I support that right and would do so with my last breath. But it is hard, hard to watch young minds give themselves over to a lie or to a hate that shrouds itself in words like heritage and honor. Harder still to remain silent and not speak out even if no one would listen. I know that I am the least among all; no moral authority by any stretch, not a scholar either; just a simple person speaking out from my heart.