Chest tightening, unable to breathe, feeling everything crushing down. I had one last night while doing dishes, I was just gasping for breath trying to get a good deep breath so I could start deep breathing exercises took about 30 minutes to get where I could get it under control.
Took my first Ambien again last night in probably two years or so and was just happy at the prospect of a good nights sleep. 2:30 in the damn morning anxiety attack! Up for over an hour trying to get it under control.
I feel like I am screwed up tighter tha a telco bill. The anxiety just will not ease off. The anxiety oddly enough only fuels itself because I am supposed to be strong, have it together, if I am falling apart how can I take care of my family? Almost 2 weeks of this partial inpatient and my anxiety and stress level is still in the red to the point I just want to explode.
Fuzzy Bear you is so strong. Don’t worry about taking care of all of us right now it’s our turn to take care of you and be your strength. Everything I learned about being strong and pushing through I learned from you. You taught me persistence. When I have attacks that bad I have a playlist to keep me breathing and start calming my body down. It’s mostly made of songs you would sing or play for me when I was little. They’re the only way that ever successfully helps me when nothing else works. You should make a playlist of songs that make you feel better. You could even ask Plushie or Fuzzy J to sing some to you or Me when I’m home. try it next time you’re struggling like this and just see how it feels. I’m not a shrink but I have a ton of anxiety attacks so maybe since we’re a lot alike what works for me might help you too.
I love you Daddy and you will never go through this alone we are all here for you: me, Matthew, mama, Fuzzy J, Oma, BC, Tink, Flash, Precious, and Snoopy!