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Month: September 2016

More proof that republicans in congress will blame President Obama for everything

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, speaking at a separate news conference, shared Ryan’s concerns. “It appears there may be some unintended ramifications of that and I do think it’s worth further discussing,” he said. “But it’s certainly is not something that was going to be fixed this week.” McConnell said Obama didn’t reach out to him until this week, which was after the bill had passed both chambers, been vetoed, and was facing an override vote that clearly was going to succeed. “That was a good example of the failure to communicate early about a piece of legislation that was obviously very popular,” McConnell said. McConnell explained that lawmakers were very focused on the needs of the 9/11 families and didn’t take the time to think through the consequences. “Because everyone was aware who the potential beneficiaries were, but nobody focused on the potential downside in terms of our international relationships. And I just think it was a ball dropped,” McConnell said. “I wish the President — and I hate to blame everything on him and I don’t — but it would have been helpful had…we had a discussion about this much earlier than the last week.”
Doesn’t take much of a search to find this
The White House on Monday signaled President Obama would veto legislation to allow Americans to sue the government of Saudi Arabia for any role officials played in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
“Given the long list of concerns I have expressed … it’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which the president would sign the bill as it’s currently drafted,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.
Earnest argued the legislation could jeopardize U.S. citizens overseas if other countries were to pass reciprocal laws that remove foreign immunity in their courts. “It could put the United States and our taxpayers and our service members and our diplomats at significant risk if other countries were to adopt a similar law,” he said. “The whole notion of sovereign immunity is at stake.”
So in April President Obama says he will veto the legislation and highlights his concerns, In September when it arrives at his desk he does exactly what he said he would do and veteos the bill because of the reasons laid out in April.
I know this is just more of the same crap that has repeated itself for the last 7 1/2 years, but the sheer mental gymnastics at display is beyond me. Now I know it is popular opinion in some circles to say that the world is messed up because people turn away from God, but seriously I think stupidity is the reason we are in trouble. Maybe it is why teachers and education are the favorite bogeyman of the republican party lately.

My blog is growing

I just got my 411th subscriber. I seem to be popular among users, though I am a bit concerned that my most recent subscriber is from \_(O.o)_/ seems as legit as my certificate of ownership to the Brooklyn Bridge. So I am asking all of my subscribers to check in, drop a comment good, bad or otherwise. What would you like to see in this blog?


Change is a hard thing. I have spent a lifetime of standing on my own, relying on my own strength and sheer will to get through each situation that I have faced; I just do not know any other way. Now I am trying to be a man of faith and after just over a year I feel like I am still in the same spot that I started from a year ago. I do not know how to lean on the Lord and feel inadequate in my faith. I do not know how to trust in the Lord or take him at his word. I do not know how to praise and thank the Lord.
I do not know how to serve the Lord.
I do not know how to love myself or all of my neighbors, in fact there are some I just cannot even grasp where to begin. So I struggle along, not sure how or what to do but keep trying.

Taco truckmegeddon is coming

Not even getting into any political aspects but Hillary Clinton has to win because a Trump supporter promised that if she does, we will have taco trucks on every corner across America. I need this to happen, I love tacos and I have heard wonderful things about these taco trucks out in California and Georgia needs them desperately; Manchester, GA especially could use more food options for lunch. So Hillary Clinton please add this to your campaign promises and deliver ASAP. Also maybe some Vietnamese and Korean food trucks as well and mandatory side of the road barbecue trailers.

If one wants to know how doomed we are as a nation and a species, one need look no further than grown people taking to comment boards and twitter to leave derogatory comments about the looks of Beyonce and Jay-Zs daughter Blue Ivy. If there is any doubt regarding the capacity and desire of people to inflict harm on fellow human beings or oppress other people through their words or actions, adults attacking children in any form is just about as low as it gets.


Communication is probably my greatest weak point in life. So much so that it seems to always be my biggest hit every year on my evaluations at work. I have less communicative ability than a pet rock and unfortunately with some relationships I have a need for validation that sits in direct juxtaposition to my social ineptness which has always been a recipe for disaster. I have this reoccurring nightmare daydream that something important is going on and I cannot speak, my mouth will not open or opens only slightly, and no sound comes out. I feel like Neo in the Matrix when Agent Smith is interrogating him and his mouth sticks together.

This inability to communicate is hindering my new found desire to communicate and build friendships that has come with my new medicine. I take that back it is not a new found desire but instead a sense of stability within myself that is allowing me to try and overcome decades long bout of silence or meaningless conversations to bridge a gap that I have always seen as lacking on my part. And it is not just a matter of trying to communicate but a desire to repair how I communicate, to put an end to my pessimistic nature and biting sarcasm; sarcasm that only gets worse when I am having a bad day emotionally.

It is easy to think about changing something about ourselves, but actually changing is something else entirely. Sometimes lately I think it might be best to just fade back into the background, that in the silence may be where I truly belong. It is a very frustrating conundrum.