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Month: March 2015

establish Justice

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

What exactly does this mean? I read it and it says to me that we, the citizens of the United States of America are supposed to be joined together in a great cause. First and foremost we are supposed to “establish Justice”; a word that means; blind, fair, equitable, impartial, truthful and reasonable. This justice is not defined or limited. But on these words alone we the citizens have an obligation to ensure that Justice is the law of the land. To me this means that if Congress has to pass a law to ensure that pay is equitable and that people are treated with equality and voting rights are protected for all citizen; then they have a Constitutional obligation to pass such laws. This also means if any law or practice within any state is in opposition to the establishment of Justice then it is unconstitutional. Seems like basic common sense to me.

So much hate in the world

Whether it is the shit that comes out of the mouths of celebrities who stop at nothing to gain attention to the crap people will post on the internet; from facebook to internet news story comments.Now what I find to be the saddest part of of all of the hate coming out of people’s hearts is that statistically 75% of the people in the world belong to a major religion that have specific teachings against such hate. Of course it can be argued that all of the people spreading hate are in the other 25% except many of them happily advertise their religious beliefs; they just don’t think what they say is wrong. There are also those who agree with them and support their hate; strengthening their beliefs they become more emboldened.
It is a vicious cycle.


Why do they come in so many damn different sizes. I have been scanning all of these pictures and I have 1×2 2×2 2×3 3×2 3×4 3×5 4×5 4×6 I cant keep up. And then trying to organize the hard copy pictures after they have been scanned, arrgghh! I am seriously thinking the only thing I can do is get new photo albums and organize them since sizes are all over the place putting them in picture boxes is next to impossible. I still have stacks more to scan but really need to come up with a solution before my mess grows out of control.
Oh and please, please put notes on your pictures. 70-80 years from now no one will have a clue who the people in your pictures are and will have to struggle to identify everyone.