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The path we may portray to the world

Path from the Greek patheia, a word part defined as suffering, feeling, emotion or disease which is determined by the prefix and suffix applied. There are many combinations that can be created but the four versions that I want to look at though are empathetic, sympathetic, apathetic and antipathetic; to provoke thought within myself as well as others.
So what do these words really mean and how do they impact who we are and how others see us in the world.
Empathetic from the Greek empatheia, to be in feeling. Being able to understand or be sensitive to the feelings, thoughts or experiences of another person or group of people; without having to explicitly share the experiences. To see or read about the struggles of others and mentally place your self in their shoes enough to have an understanding of their plight.
Sympathetic from the Greek sumpatheia, to be with feeling. Being able to feel the same feelings as another during their time of strife or trouble. Most often we think of this during times of loss or misfortune, friends who grieve with you during the loss of a loved one; can also be during times of joy though as we can have sympathetic feelings for a friend or loved ones good fortune.
Apethetic from the Greek apatheia, to be without feeling. Not caring, indifferent to the situation, an absence of feeling. When we just don’t care, doesn’t effect us so not our problem.
Antipathetic from the Greek, to be opposed in feeling. A dislike or aversion to others or situations.
In, with, without and opposed; a very broad range of feelings. Realistically we all experience this range of feelings even in the same day. Just today I feel empathy and sympathy for the families of the Marines killed in Tennessee. I also feel empathy for the family of the shooter. I feel antipathy towards people like the shooter who embrace violence. I also feel apathy for the myriad of people who will be voicing their opinions about what happened.
And this is how we all are; based on what is important to us, how we see the world or what we feel strongly about. So many factors go into how we cycle through these feelings. We are human and there will be things that make us angry or that we just don’t give a damn about. But what feelings do we portray to the world ultimately is all on ourselves. When other people look at the things we say and the actions we take, what do we want them to think.
But we have lives to live, crosses to bear and mole hills to build into mountains. Looking into our own lives with serious introspection is a hard and thankless task or an exercise in futility. I personally find it to be very hard; my low self esteem, lack of self worth in relation to other people and a desire to be accepted by others means that I am constantly questioning what i say and do. I probably spend way to much time worrying about these kind of things but for me it also comes from the study of many different religions and philosophies.
The Samurai believed that they were already dead at the beginning of each day, their lives already committed to their lord; so every action and interaction could not be taken back so one must be deliberate in everything. Because they viewed their death as already having occurred anything done that would bring shame to their lord could not be undone. Debts could not be repaid, slights excused. In Christianity this is akin to when Jesus says that when you pray to ask for forgiveness of your debts or trespasses as you also forgive the debts and trespasses of others. There is this expectation that these are daily occurrences so we should always be mindful of them and correct our behavior accordingly. In Buddhism and Hinduism the idea of karma requires mindfulness of interactions as your negative and positive actions return to you.
Other than atheism and just guessing but probably satanism; there is no religion that does not in some way address how our feelings and actions towards others impacts our own spirituality and soul. So I strive everyday to keep myself heading towards the path I want to be upon; to be an empathetic and sympathetic person.

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