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The ineffectiveness of Congress

Another day, another story about Hillary Clinton’s email.

But what we still do not have is a simple bill, voted on and signed into law, that all members of the United States Government, from all three branches of the government, EVERYONE! shall use official government email accounts for the conduct of all government business. That there shall be in effect a specific data retention policy of eternity for all electronic communications and detail specific punishments for violation of the policy.

Surely there is a reason that such a simple bill has not been proposed and passed. See this is the reason why we have regulations, cumbersome or not; we identify a problem and we create laws and regulations to prevent the problem from occurring again in the future. This is why we have a legislative branch. Perhaps though part of the reason they will not propose such a law is that members of Congress use their own personal email servers and it is much simpler to have investigations, spend money and not actually solve the problem at hand.

In conclusion 80+ % of congress is up for reelection on Nov 8th, send the incumbents packing. Because as much as we can bicker and fight about the next president, it is the Congress that is killing this country.

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