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Personal Responsibility

I understand that doing the right thing is difficult, especially when you make a mistake. But actions have consequences and things in life do have a way of working themselves out eventually.
So to the anonymous person who struck my rental car in Little Rock, AR I forgive you and I pray that one day you will own up to your mistakes and start taking responsibility for your actions. I may panic along the way a few times as I try to come up with the deductible amount in addition to the money I still need to spend to fix my car, but I know that God will provide and his blessings will overflow. I thank God that for all that has gone wrong this week Phoebe and I are safe, maybe a little worse for wear, but we made it through this just as we have made it through so many other things before today. As I told someone this morning this has been a bit rougher than normal weeks, but not that unusual or different for us.
So I will pray for you anonymous parking lot person just as I will pray for the 911 operator who did not dispatch police or take our police report over the phone, leaving us in limbo for 2 1/2 hours. And I will pray that I grow from this experience.

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