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More fear

I wrote the other day about my fear of the dentist. Now that is a fear that in my mind is sort of understandable, as a child one can have a bad experience that just sticks with you and grows in your mind until it becomes something to be feared. I also have this real fear of opening myself up to other people, I am not quite sure where it stems from but I have had the fear since at least first grade. This blog is a way for me to face part of that fear by laying my soul bare to anyone who happens across it or ends up here from Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. Some days I question my sanity in doing this, I really do, because I have spent a lifetime keeping the world around me at a good safe distance.
As difficult as it is for me to write some of the blog posts I have written, it is even more difficult for me to enter into direct communication with other people. I get all tied up in knots; I don’t ever know what to say, have a hard time carrying on a conversation or even worse catch myself not being able to shut up and making sarcastic comments. Let’s face it I am not the dos Equis guy, more like the nada Equis guy.

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