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In Control or In Charge

This is an idea I have struggled with in terms of God and where God is in relation to the world as a whole and my within my life. So often we hear about God’s control and God’s will framed in absolutism, ironically enough in relation to bad situations such as chronic illness, terminal illness or mass shootings and terror attacks. There are those who want to use these events to lay blame on something or another and to lay these horrors at God’s feet, people like Pat Robertson. 

I just do not think God is sitting around all the time deciding so and so is going to get cancer and die, bob over there is going to get rear ended at that intersection and suffer dibilitating back problems the rest of his life. That group of people will die in a terror attack. I really do not think God sits back and listens as people pray for healing, picking and choosing who he is going to help.
What I do believe is that if we follow the example of Jesus the Christ by living a selfless life, trusting and leaning on God, doing his work; that when we are doing these things God will pour his blessings into our lives. Our lives will not be free from problems and pain, we will make choices that cause us to suffer, others will make choices that cause us to suffer, the choices we make can cause others to suffer, bad things in life will happen. God’s peace and healing are first and foremost for our spirit, we are to learn to quiet our minds and let God guide us through the Holy Spirit that abides in us. As we build our relationship with God and move from our position of selfish self serving living then we can find freedom when we lay our burdens down. When we happily accept that our treasures are stored up in heaven not here on earth we are not burdening ourselves with fruitless pursuits.

So God if I am wrong show me the truth.

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