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definite political WTFery

Bush waited until after the event to deliver his most stinging critique of Obama: “Every chance he’s had to validate his mandate, which was not that, ‘I’m going to be the most hard-left president in American history.’ It was was there are no blue states, no red states, only the United States,” Bush said.”He won because of that,” Bush added. “And he has invalidated that every chance he’s had. After every election he’s not tried to develop personal relationships with people that don’t completely agree with him. Our democracy has been hurt by that.”

via In South Carolina, Jeb Bush Says ‘The Center Needs to be Rebuilt’ – Bloomberg Politics.

So when President Obama got elected and day one the republican leadership stated unequivocally they would make him a one term president. When we ended up with Romney care instead of single payer health care because of a desire to lean towards the center and sell republicans on a republican idea. The continued questions about loyalty, patriotism, faith and birth never before leveled against another sitting president and then blame him when your team wont come to the table in good faith.

Glad that he pointed out that the partisan hack tv shows are dividing this country, would have held more sway with me if he had named some names; but speaking against anyone on fox news would have doomed his campaign before it really gets off the ground.

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