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Dear Republican Party

I understand that recent primary results are coming as a shock to some of you within the Republican party. In fact some of you are clamoring that Donald Trump is not a real conservative, flip flopper, etc. Some of you have even finally found some voice to say to people within your own party that this is not who you are and invoke Presidents Lincoln and Reagan.Unfortunately this "Silent Majority" that you have regaled the rest of us with for so long have finally found their voice and that voice is one of hate, racism and xenophobia. You see the issue is not whether Donald Trump is a real conservative or not, he is just the person who has given voice to how the majority of your party really feels and they are excited.
There are those who have been trying to point this out for years and you shout them down as race baiters. You feign ignorance of the Southern Strategy begun by Barry Goldwater that fed on white conservative racism and perfected in Ronald Reagan with his speeches against the mythical "welfare queens" and attacking affirmative action. Conservative courts have eroded the voting rights act while conservative legislatures have done all that they can to roll back the clock to Jim Crow era and re-institute poll taxes in the form of id requirements. Trotting out anecdotal tales of voter fraud, that when investigated are undetectable. These same conservative legislatures have attempted to gerrymander minority votes into silence, gutted education time and time again with the majority of cuts impacting people of color, the list goes on. You see all of the policies you have been pushing to appease your "silent majority" are inherently racist at their core when you take a look at who they negatively impact.

So now here we stand. Your "silent majority" are filling auditoriums, physically attacking opposing voices, even when they stand in silent protest. The KKK is planning rallies and sounding out their support. This is just the beginning and they are gaining steam and strength with each passing day and primary victory. The cat is out of the bag and I think the reality that many need to grapple with in the Republican party is are you a part of the racism and xenophobia or are you prepared to pull up stakes and start anew.
Now I know some people will just point to the racist history of the Democratic party prior to the Civil Rights movement and try to deny the current situation. And look I get it, it is difficult to admit when you have a problem, especially when it is akin to having untreated syphilis. But the bottom line is that your problem is hurting people, your fellow Americans have been suffering for too long from this hate that has always been there. The question is what are you finally going to do to end this ignorance and hate.

We are waiting, the ball is firmly in your court and what you do will shape the civic discourse for decades to come.

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