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Balance and Compromise

In eastern philosophy and religion there is the concept of Yin and Yang, opposites that must be kept in balance in order to maintain balance in oneself or in the greater world. These opposing forces are hard to define as they can be masculine/feminine conservative/liberal; but above all they are the polar opposites that at once are attracting and repelling each other. If ever left alone to have free reign they become an Ouroboros; a snake eating its own tail.
In western philosophy and religion there really isn’t the same type of concept. More often than not there is a dominant submissive ideology, where the expectation is that everything is viewed as right or wrong. That one must be firm and steadfast, unwavering against views that because they are opposite must by their nature be wrong. Here too though as one ideology dominates and chokes out all others it too becomes an Ouroboros, unable to sustain itself.
If we look at the history of the United States we can see how there is an ebb and flow of power between conservatives and liberals. Each side alternating between a rise to power and self destruction. The length of stay in power usually correlating to how far from the center they govern. We are most successful when we put aside our differences and are able to find the common ground that can only come from compromise and a balance of ideas.
Maybe it is time we push forward a third party from the center willing to push for more compromise and work to build a more balanced body politic.

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