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Somethings just make me so angry. To all of those people who like to believe that people with things like depression, anxiety or other mental health issues are any of the following, or have made the following types of statements.

Just weak.

Don’t pray enough.

Just want attention.

Just making it up.

It isn’t real.

Just an excuse.

Well you just schedule time to come express those opinions to me, I will skip my medicine for a few days before our meeting. After I reach down your throat, extract your spine and use it to give you a colonoscopy, then we can discuss my failings and weakness.
I mean seriously would you tell someone who wears glasses, hearing aids, maybe has a heart condition these type of things? Maybe you would, maybe you like to project your problems on other people because you are just a weak individual who needs attention.
No one with mental health issues wants to admit to them publicly, we feel ashamed to have these issues which only compounds the problem. I blog about mine because I want others like me to know they are not alone. Even medicated it is a struggle to get through life; to hold down a job, be a spouse or a parent but the good days are worth the price.
I am reminded of a little saying; If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. What a shame we can’t ever seem to practice this in our lives.

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