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My week in review (=_=) (>.<)* \(~o~)/ <(°–°)/ ¯\(·.·)/¯ (>o<)

Tired, frustrated, anxious, angry. So much going on that I managed to mix up the day I had to have a CAT scan with contrast and showed up a day early. Got to have a barium nightcap and breakfast 2 days in a row. Oh yum. It is only Wednesday and I already feel like it should be Saturday or next Monday.
Now for something completely random.
I think life is a lot like a game of spider solitaire. The cards represent bits and pieces of ourselves; the time, energy and skills we are able to dedicate to life. Each of the Suits of cards that you build to move to the Foundation are representative of things you are trying to accomplish; goals, dreams, just living, bucket list, etc. The ten columns of the Tableau are the people, places and conditions in our lives; family, friends, work, health, churches, commuting, etc.
The act of moving the cards around the Tableau represents the decisions we make in life or the events that occur as we juggle ourselves across the conditions and constraints of our lives. We stack the cards up; sometimes with little effort, easily balancing everything out and seeing our accomplishments grow as the stacks of suits in the Foundation. Other times we find ourselves hitting dead end after dead end, decisions that we didn’t make or choices that were wrong, illness or injury.
The problem arises though that when we hit the roadblocks and can not continue we stay on the same path pouring ourselves out while everything just piles up around us becoming less manageable. There is no restart or new deal button we can hit and get fresh cards laid out and ready. What we can do though is stop. Take stock of our lives. Figure out what our priorities are, maybe redo our bucket lists. Get real with ourselves about who we want to be and what we want to be doing with our lives. Basically restart the game where we are in life with a fresh outlook.
Sure sounds real easy doesn’t it; being self aware, knowing that you have hit a rut or rock bottom and you have to make changes. What if you spend all of your time bouncing off the bottom? What if you lack self awareness, don’t even know your at rock bottom or which way is up? What if you know you are in a rut but you just can’t seem to ever figure anything out? Just what are you supposed to do?
These are the the thoughts and questions that drive my train.

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