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Month: November 2016

New from the WTFery Institute

The rise and fall of the Wal-Mart society.

All of this talk during the election about jobs and shallow promises of bringing back manufacturing jobs from both candidates fails to address the real reason why we are in this shit show in in the first place. People like to blame business taxes, regulations and free trade agreements as to why those businesses left and moved out of the country. What nobody wants to talk about though is choice. The choice a owner or ceo made to move those jobs. Intentional decisions made as executive compensation and profits increased.

Suppressed wage growth across the country, disappearance of manufacturing jobs, cheap goods flooding the market, local small businesses driven to closure by big box stores has given rise to the Wal-Mart society. The problem is the Wal-Mart society is based on people only being able to afford to shop at Wal-Mart. Unfortunately because it is an unsustainable society, despite Wal-Mart being the second largest employer in the United States, it is predominately composed of part time employees. I believe we are headed towards the dollar store society unless we make major changes.

So how do we fix this mess that we are in? I wonder if we can. We as a society currently are faced with a deluge of problems that goes so far beyond just jobs. Broken tax code, rising costs of so many things. You know it is almost as if wages should have kept pace with the stock market or executive pay.

Would’a, Could’a, Should’a.

I really do not see any real solutions, there is not traction within the state or federal legislative branches to make the hard changes that need to occur. We need people at the local level to stand up new businesses to push back against the status quo. The only way manufacturing is coming back is if new companies spring up. There is also the possibility of devolving into a post apocalyptic world a-la Mad Max.

Seriously WTF

I am not one for conspiracy theories but I find the following unbelievable.

Peter Schweizer writes a book based on speculation called Clinton Cash. Schweizer works for Brietbart News as Senior Editor-at-Large. Stephen Bannon is Brietbart News executive chairman and also the ceo of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

FBI agents in New York field office try to use Schweizer’s book and a secret recording of a third party as a reason to start an investigation of the Clinton Foundation; because speculative, partisan hit pieces are always the go to standard when deciding a crime occurred. Oh and lets not forget secret recordings from some third party not a part of the foundation because that isn’t weird. They are told not to pursue the investigation because and I speculate here but judges don’t give subpoenas based on speculation.

Along comes little Anthony Weiner and a laptop that contains something supposedly relevant to Hillary Clinton’s email server. Now let’s set aside the fact that to know about these emails would require going beyond the scope of the subpoena they were working under and let’s chalk it up to “in plain site” which is probably stretching the truth, but either way the emails are now being investigated and FBI Directory Comey sent a vague email to members of Congress. Two days prior to Comey’s letter Rudy Giuliani, a Trump surrogate, indicated something big was coming in his words “a couple of surprises left”.  Today he admits he expected the announcement 3-4 weeks ago, which tracks with what has been made public regarding when the FBI New York office “found” the emails. So someone at the FBI is colluding with the Trump campaign against the Clinton campaign and the election will be decided before we even know any truth about these emails.

Sure this could all be coincidence, but I am starting to have some serious doubts about what is happening to the country I love so much.

And they fell silent

In October when a Republican campaign building was torched and vandalized with anti Republican graffiti, Fox News went non stop. All the commentators got on the air to denounce the “political terrorism”. Donald Trump railed against the Democrats and Hillary Clinton.

Yesterday evening a Black Church in Mississippi was torched and vandalized with pro Trump graffiti, news story isn’t even on Fox News. Donald Trump’s campaign refuses to make a comment. Where is the outrage and condemnation that poured out so quickly last time?

More proof that “fair and balanced” is a bullshit tagline that should be changed to “white and right” and I do not mean correct.