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Month: June 2017

What the world needs

What the world needs right now are arena software competitions. Have all of the anti-virus and anti-malware software vendors show up, they all get the exact same equipment configured identically, and with every key stroke and click logged they compete to see who is better. Put them head to head defending their equipment against an independent group of hackers and virus writers. 

This could easily be done for all security products hardware and software. You could also do the same thing with other hardware and software, virtualization performance come in and prove it. Storage performance prove it. 

Bottom line is it is time we moved away from industries telling us how good they are and proving themselves instead.

Moving this plan forward

First steps are underway, went with a standard folder and loose leaf paper.

Remember this is about you and should reflect who you are as a person. There is not a right or wrong way to do this, in someways the cover itself is a tool to help you think about your dreams, desires, and goals. You may want to be sparse and each time you sit down to write goals add inspiration or cover it completely from the start.

The only important requirements are that this notebook is a reflection of who you are and want to become. It needs to be clear that this is your book of dreams, goals, desires, so that when you look at it you want to pick it up, add to it, mark things complete, or pull something out to work towards. It needs to call to you and be kept where you see it everyday. And finally, the first notebook needs to say volume 1 because it is a reminder to dream everyday and never stop.

One last thing, leave space between entries to go back and add updates. Some goals you may want to dedicate an entire page to as you have already put enough thought into the goal to fill the page. Others may be 1 or 2 words. Also do not forget the glue stick and past in pictures of things that you want, want to do, or go visit.

Where to start planning 

In a business setting, this seems to be the easy part. A successful business has a business plan, a roadmap, strategic objectives, and regular planning meetings where these are re-evaluated and tweaked as needed. Planning also is tantamount to successfully day to day execution, quite simply the old saying is true “Plan your work, Work your plan.”

So, how do we translate this to our personal lives?

Bucket-list, a book of dreams, call it what you want. Get a notebook, does not matter what kind, whatever matches your personal style. On the cover make sure it says that this is your life objectives, desires, dreams, and accomplishments. Put the starting date and Volume 1. Start by writing down the dreams and desires you have already had in life, leave enough room after each entry to come back and update, always dream of being an astronaut put it in here, wanted to be president then add it. Remember this not about restricting who you are, where you go or what you can do in life. This is about expressing yourself and spitballing your life, not everything is going to stick, some dreams will be deferred, shit is going to happen and some dreams will not work out the way you want.

So get yourself a notebook, get some permanent markers, decorate the cover, and get started. Also get a glue stick as you may want to add some pictures of things you want and places you want to go, alternatively you may want to get several notebooks and have one just for places you want to visit. So get started.

More about planning 

I think that for many of us, we are small planners. We do not have a grand scheme or plan for our lives and we are basically running forward the best we can. Our plans become formed around situations need for a job, housing or transportation are just a few of the examples. Because we never have long range plans or goals we quickly find ourselves floundering or in trouble. Our lives become unmanageable because we do not have cohesion of thought.

Plan your work

I find that when it comes to the work I do for a living, creating and executing a plan is something I do not give a second thought. If you want to implement a technology, upgrade or maintain you have to have a plan. Why is it then that when it comes to my personal life it is such a foreign concept? I just cannot seem to get my mind to translate what makes me successful in my career to other things in my life.

Darkness – A guest post

“Darkness has always been something that many fear, but is it really the dark that they fear.
For some it is, but for others it’s not, instead it’s what it represents to them.
“Darkness” for me is solitude and pain, which I find amusing because they are two things I know of all too well.
Being alone in both mind and body has started to take its toll on my reality.
The silence prolongs and my will grows faint, for what is there to life when solitude seems to be your fate.
But then I remember what the silence truly means, it’s the calm before the storms which life tends to bring.
But life’s storms are not something to fear, for storms bring more than just despair.
Once the storms clear there is joy in the air.
The sun comes out and a rainbows shine, life is finally showing you its brighter side.
So, don’t let fear and anxiety hold you back because they are only a precursor for the weather of life.”
-Trevor England-


Blank walls, cluttered ones,
describe them how you want,
they all begin to decay as soon they are erected.
Forces of nature, unrelenting
Decades, eons, millenia;
no matter how you measure the passage of time,
you cannot stop it from passing.
Thinking on time my thoughts are
smooth as jagged glass
discarded on the highway

Thought of the day

1’s, 0’s, and mathematic algorithms, sort of like magic but somehow worse