There are many days when I wish I could just hear that one motivational speech that would just turn everything around. I would listen to it every day and my life would get on track and I would never look back. I would be able to grab my bootstraps and be on top of the world. I would wake up refreshed every morning, positive, motivated and hungry for success. Nothing could stop me, nothing at all.
You see right now I am out there in a sea of depression, dog paddling with a death grip on a lifebuoy, looking around for a life raft and dreaming about a helicopter. I am dreaming about a helicopter because I want to get to dry land and quick. Dry land, a place I have always dreamed about but never seen. I have only ever managed to get on a boat for awhile, until the sea gets too rough and the boat capsizes. I want to soar up high, where the air is clear and I just know that land is visible and I can get a bearing on which way to fly. Down here on the sea in the life raft, there is no sail, oar or motor; just the currents to carry me along.
People like me need a life coach service to help them sort through our mess, sure sometimes therapists but more along the lines of behavioral therapy that is a administrative assistant as well to get us on the right track. World doesn’t work like that though, sink or swim unless you can pay to play.
Philosophy, poetry, and musings from the WTFery Institute. A think tank, working to solve the problem of thoughts trapped in the mind.