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Voter ID laws and voting

I have a proposal to end all of the controversy. Immediately issue passports to all US citizens free of charge, require all states wanting to enact voter id laws or who have already enacted such laws to be required to accept passports as valid ID. Establish mobile passport offices to go anywhere there is a need to ensure no citizen is disenfranchised. In addition we need a law that requires sufficient polling places, open 24/7 for an adequete time period, geographically convenient to ensure all citizens vote. Also if employees are late or unable to arrive at work because of long lines at polling locations they should be protected by law from punishment.
Is this a capitulation to the republicans, in some ways yes but by proposing a compromise that addresses the many issues with current id laws I believe we can find common ground. Or at the very least force the hand of those who really just want to suppress votes.

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