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The Last 4th of July

Given the last few weeks of rulings from the Supreme court, essentially giving carte blanche immunity to the president and the potential that trump could become president again, I am left wondering if this will be our last 4th of July as a Democracy and Republic. It is difficult to think what the world will look like if he regains the presidency and the already cowed Republican Senators and Representatives will bow to whatever he wishes them to do. That the court has become so corrupt and bought and paid for by the wealthiest republicans lavishing gifts on the justices that should clearly be against the law, perhaps the founding fathers felt there would not be any risk that the court could be stuffed with such perverse partisans.

So now we can only sit back and watch this nation vote for democracy or totalitarianism, to see our nation stand up for the Constitution or kowtow to an egotistical despot who has already stated he would be a dictator day one and arrest democratic leaders who stood up for what this nation stands for and anyone else he feels is a threat. There are still many months for these storms to brew and the reality is you cannot change the opinions of his followers as they are such tender snowflakes fearful of the reality that whites could become a minority, that their brand of racist Christian Nationalism will flounder and die. The only way to stop this madness is to beat him at the voting booth once again, decisively even as republicans try to purge people from the voter rolls as quickly as possible to ensure they can steal this election. Bottom line is people need to vote, check their status and ensure they were not purged and show up and vote, not just for the president but for Senate and House candidates as well. It is time to put our feet down that this is our country and we will defend it at the ballot box.

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