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The cost of getting better

My psychiatrist has recommended that the next step in my treatment, due to depression that is continuing unabated for months now despite the medication, is Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS is a 4-6 week treatment regiment consisting of 5 40 minute sessions per week. Now since I have not met my deductible completely for the year, I know that if I have this done before April 1 I will be paying several thousand dollars, if I wait until April 1 my deductible year starts over and wham I could be looking at double the amount. If the ACA is repealed with no replacement, individual mandates go away and tax credits for businesses disappear, then I expect that my employer provided insurance may see cost increases and benefit reductions on par with pre-ACA years. For those of us with health problems, I suspect we will see an erosion of options back to getting treated at the ER as a last resort and foregoing treatment.

I would ask why, but it does not matter. In fact healthcare may soon be the least of our concerns, as cost of goods will soon skyrocket if Trump imposes tariffs on imported goods. How long before we see a vote on ending Federal Minimum Wage? What about the end of public education? Legalization of indentured servitude anyone? After the last few days wouldn’t surprise me at all. And so the Republic teeters on the edge of oblivion.

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