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Somedays the stress overflows

There really is no way around it, my life has a lot of stress. Family health problems, my health problems, the never ending cycle of to-do lists associated with home ownership, commuting to work, work, rinse, repeat. And mostly my medicines help my mental and emotional state stay on a fairly even keel. Now other than the insanity of starting to blog about some of the things that weigh on my mind, I don’t like to talk about my problems. Quite frankly I do not want to complain about my problems, they aren’t unique or new to this world but they do weigh me down. The issue is though if we internalize our stress and hold onto it, eventually it builds up until we can no longer contain it within ourselves. That is one of the reasons I think we are drawn to share our problems with others, by verbalizing them we acknowledge those things with which we are struggling. We just want someone to listen; we aren’t looking for advise or even encouragement just to not be alone with our burdens. I know from when I was in therapy that can just be a wonderfully cathartic experience, unfortunately my schedule just really doesn’t make it possible.
So I unload some of it in my writing here on my blog but just doesn’t seem to help that much. And so yesterday the stress crossed that point where I just want to through my hands up and scream.
So here it is
My scream

Were you expecting something louder?

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