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More on Judgement

As I examine my life I think it is important to dive deeply and get to the bottom of my issues so I can grow. To this end I think it is important to look at the people and situations when I am judgmental, maybe in doing so I can come to terms with them. I expect that some will read what I write and get angered or offended, I fully understand.
I am judgmental of specific groups of wealthy people. The first group are those who build their wealth at the expense of those who work for them, increasing their wealth year over year while the wages they pay remain stagnant or increase at a trickle. Second are those who want the money they earn from capital gains to be taxed at lower rates than wages. Then there are those who act like their wealth makes them better than everyone else, that they deserve special consideration and use their wealth to buy access to government. My judgmental attitude stems from an aversion to greed and what I perceive as greed as well as a desire for social justice. I started feeling this way when I got to high school and encountered my first wealthy people. The cliques at my high school really opened my eyes to disparity of wealth and the attitudes they held against those who they saw as beneath them helped shape my view towards these groups. I have come a long way though as 20 years ago I was judgmental against all who are wealthy. Over the years I have come to understand that there are many good people who just happen to be wealthy but the ones who fall into these groups I struggle not to be judgmental of them.
I am judgmental of certain types of religious people. The first type cover their vehicles with religious symbols and drive like no one else is on the road with them; cutting people off, running stop signs, endangering others. The second type use their religion for their own personal gain by including religious symbols in their advertising and signage for the attention of attracting business. The other type are those who wear their religious beliefs as a badge, say things that are completely in opposition to the beliefs they espouse, want to force their religion on others and claim persecution when people disagree with or oppose them. What can I say I know that people are not perfect, we stumble and fall all the time, we get in a hurry going places but the rest of the world is watching and forming opinions, making judgements. The others the only thing I can say is they just irritate me partially because I have been on the vendor side of a couple of “religious” businesses and it left such an impression that I see certain things and I won’t do business with a company. The other type I wouldn’t even know where to begin or what to say.
I am also judgmental of the news media that jump to conclusions too quickly and those who mix the reporting of news with opinion. Breaking news is important, we need to be informed but when news channels care more about ratings, don’t vet their sources and allow the line between opinion and news to blur they do us all a disservice. I am also judgmental of those who repeat what they hear on these outlets as if it was gospel truth. Sometimes it takes time to sort through information and people just need to be patient, maintain an open mind and let the truth come out. I really think it would be nice if news outlets could only provide news, weather and sports; facts and figures. Anytime they report false information, omit information to shape opinion or give opinion then they should be punished harshly and publicly. Opinion should be provide through another outlet with prominent water marks stating that it is opinion and not facts. Then I could just agree or disagree with opinions and have a better idea what is going on in the world. People that discriminate for any reason and in any manner.
When I encounter these people or situations I get very irritated and at times angry. I just don’t know how to just let it go; there is no reason I should let these things eat at me the way I do, it isn’t like I am going to change anyone’s view of the world especially if all I can do is get angry.
So how do I work on myself so I can let go of this anger and worry about more important things; like people who could use my help? What are we supposed to do as individuals when we struggle this way?

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