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Half empty or half full

Am I a pessimist or am I just an analytical person be nature. I often ponder this question when I catch myself only focusing on the problems I see in the world around me. The thing is though I like to ponder solutions and possible root causes to the problems in the world.

I just keep these thoughts to myself because let’s be honest there are plenty of ideas going around on how to solve the problems of the world. The thing is though that we have the same problems today as we have had for the entirety of human existence. The only thing that ever really changes is well, nothing. I wonder sometimes if that is our true nature, self destruction.

Then I have this idea that these problems exist so that we all have an opportunity to achieve enlightenment, a state of understanding that I believe transcends any specific religion. That point in which we no longer think of ourselves, where we no longer have selfish desires, where we totally embrace the universal ideas that exist within each of the world religions.

I am probably just as wrong as everyone else, so it is all good.

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