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Consider the order of things

How does on consider the order of things. Do you start from the beginning; was it a big bang, the word of God or a cosmic joke with a bad punch line. Is it necessary to understand the beginning of creation in order to create a grocery list? Perhaps the order is only important to creating the list based on he aisles of the store, yet that has nothing to do with setting goals for your life. But how can you know what you want in life and the steps you need to take in order to accomplish your goals, if you have not pondered completely the proper order of things that syncs with who you are as a person.
Consider if you will the grocery store that as you enter has fruits, vegetables and bakery to the right, meats along the back wall and dairy and breads to the left. From right to left you move from various food items, canned, boxed, baking stuff, to household goods as you traverse the aisles. So you go to different stores and see a similar pattern and order to the layout and location of products; you are comfortable with these stores because the order of things is as you expect them. One day you walk into a store though and it is the opposite, fruits and vegetables are in the back, household goods are to the right and meats over to the left; nothing makes sense so you wander around lost trying to find things that you need, all the while your frustration grows inside. How important the order of things can become to us in our lives.
Now consider how you create lists, using the example of the grocery store write out a typical grocery list relevant to yourself. Is it orderly? Do you group like minded items together such as vegetables, paper products, meats? Is it haphazard? Do you just jot down items as they come into your head? Is it a precise list with every item listed? Or is it a vague list with a generalization such as tacos that you understand to mean everything needed to fix tacos; meat, tortillas or taco shells, beans, ingredients for salsa, etc,. Did you know a grocery list could communicate so much about you as a person?
So now with grocery list in hand you can understand if maybe your planning is a little too high level or haphazard. With this information you can then go and pursue arcane knowledge from the hidden acolytes of cosmic order in order to circumvent this potential disaster. If however you find your lists are orderly and precise then I suspect you are only reading this for the entertainment and are totally beyond help. So now you are surely wondering about this arcane knowledge and what is required to find these hidden acolytes. Certainly they must exist because they are constantly leaving signs through out the world that speak to their presence. They are most assuredly in the US because there are 3 great pyramids, pi starts with 3, nothing is more American than apple pie, apple pies are round and so they must be around here. Now I know people like to give them different names, but I assure you that only they know their true name and they change it anytime someone gets too close to the truth.
Well you might be wondering, how then can we find them if they are hidden and only they know who they are. I tell you that is the beauty of who they are and there in lies the secret. It is only by studying them at length and tracing their presence through out the history of the world that you can uncover their current location and name. Before you can start tracking them you must consider the order of things, meditate on the order of things. It is only when you can grasp the truth of the following will you be prepared to pursue them. “I question, but I am deaf to the answers given me. I seek, but I am blind to the path before me. Though blind and deaf, my feet do not stray from the path and the order of things becomes clear in my own mind.”

Start here and you will be on the path

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